JSC is a form of legal entities with limited liability, was established and exists independently of the entity that owns it. The company's capital is divided into sections called shares and issued to mobilize capital participation of investors from all economic sectors.
According to the Company Law in 2005, the company shares have the following characteristics:
- Legal representative: 1 individual
- Shareholders may be an organization / individual.
- The number of shareholders: at least 3 people.
- Having legal status.
- Responsible limited in scope capital.
- To issue shares
- Shareholders may transfer one part or all of their shares to other shareholders in the company or outside the company. Or may require the company to repurchase all of their shares after shareholder approval.
- Model: require the Shareholders Association, Chairman of the Shareholders, Directors. Corporation has over 11 shareholders must have a Supervisory Board.
- Request for business registration (by the legal representative sign)
- Draft charter company (must be fully signed by the legal representative, of the founding shareholders or their authorized representatives of the founding shareholders)
- List of founding shareholders
- A valid copy of the personal identification papers or legal validity of all founding shareholders, legal representatives:
4.1 - Individual nationality Vietnam: identity card or household Projector.
4.2 - If the founding shareholders is held:
- Decision founded; Certificate of business registration (or certificate of business registration and tax registration certificate or certificate of business registration and tax registration).
- One of the personal identification papers under Clause 4.1 above the authorized representatives and authorized corresponding decision.(Refer to the contents of the authorization in Article 96 of the Enterprise Law).
- Documents certifying the legal capital of agencies and organizations authorized for company business lines as stipulated by law, must have legal capital List some professions require legal capital ;
- A valid copy of a practicing certificate or a personal number if company business lines as stipulated by law, must have a practicing certificate list some occupations require practicing certificates;
- TOC records (recorded in the order above);
- Completed service time: 2-7 days (excluding weekends 7th, Sunday and holidays). Time may vary depending on the business needs of customers
- Certified copy of the certificate if conditional trades.
- Information on the business name, address of head office, the charter capital, the main business lines, legal representatives / shareholders.
- ID / passport notarized within 3 months of the owners / shareholders of the founder.